3 January 2010

Tangkuban Perahu - Pasar Baru

On my 2nd day in Bandung...woke up pretty early because I was beyond excited to explore more! I put the throbbing headache aside as I didn't want it to spoil my holiday mood. But yeah, in the end of the day...when I reached Imot's place after a tiresome day; I could feel like the head was going to explode. Shivering. 

Lucky I stayed at a future-doctor's place so I got kinda first class treatment from her. Dijaga rapi gitu. Aku rasa keadaan muka bumi yang berbeza tu yang buat aku migraine super painful. Berputar 360' rasa nya otak time tu. 

Oklah stop the nonsense...langsung ke foto.

View from Imot's room at the 1st floor. Master bedroom so bathroom adalah SDN BHD.
Kosan Pink...where another junior of mine; Berry lives at. Budak Medic juga. 
At Berry's place. Note Imot at the entrance. We fetched Berry at her rented house because she was my guide for that day. Imot got class she couldn't escape from. Student Medic harus rajin hadir kuliah...!
Mobil yang membawa gue ke sana ke mari on my 2nd day in Bandung. Imot had the transport booked for me days before my arrival. Terharu kerana semua diatur serba perfect!
Yours Truly posing in front of the crater. Alhamdulillah, I eventually reached the mountain. After hundred of times viewing other people pictures at the place! I managed to set my foot upon that place in 2008! Syukran Allah.
Kenapa lah perlu pose tepi signage. Style hayun betul. By the way, Wisata means Tourism/Pelancongan in Indonesia. Just sharing! For more info about Tangkuban; read here
Inactive volcano. View from Kawah Ratu. 
Don't ask why I picked this donkey. As much as I was awed by it's color; deep in me I felt sorry for the donkey. Mengubah ciptaan Nya itu kan suatu dosa. Apalagi terhadap binatang. Itu sudah dikira kejam.
The supir parked our mobil at Kawah Ratu @ Queen's Crater. The traditional fences. Siapa berangan bunuh diri terjun dalam kawah gunung berapi, silakan buat di sini.
View I love! Despite the very strong smell of sulphur gases. I didn't go down to Kawah Upas (the oldest volcano crater) or Kawah Domas (geysers on crater & boiling eggs) as I couldn't stand the throbbing headache. I decided to return to the city instead. But secretly I promised myself that I will definitely be back to that place again. 
I slept all the way down from Tangkuban Perahu to the city. As I woke up, Berry suggested that I should at least stop by at Pasar Baru. One of the famous mall in Bandung; tourist attraction. Since the headache is slowly subsiding, I agreed to her suggestion. Dengan syarat, mahu mencekik sebab lapar.
My lunch; Nasi Timbel. 

As I've stated in my previous entry, I was in Bandung during the Ramadhan. But menses accompanied me during my stay there. Ini lagi aku mau share, in Indonesia it is not an offense to eat in public during the fasting month. So yeah, aku makan dengan jaya tanpa toleh kiri kanan takut kena cekup oleh pegawai dari Jabatan Agama. 
Bought few sets of these for mother & I. Harga superb murah! Yang kau beli di Malaysia ni, sudah mark up dengan gila jaya. I purchased those kebaya for like RM35 per set only!
And that comforter set...Queen size cuma around RM30+. Sikit pengsan kerana kemurahan! But nope I didn't buy any. Aku paling ndak suka mengangkut barang extra besar when I travel by plane. WALAU benda tu masuk kargo. 
Telekung! I bought a set for mother. With embroidery in pink colour! And it only cost me RM20+. We saw the same telekung somewhere in Gaya St. last year, six times the price I purchased before. Gila kentang kena mark up. Berabisan!
If I'm not mistaken, there are 6 floors in this mall. Various goods can be found here. Each floor/lantai/tingkat sells different things. U just have to bring ur skills of bargaining here. And of course jutaan rupiah! Lumayan sekali. I didn't do much shopping because that wasn't my main purpose of visiting.

Tapi harus admit, Bandung is one of the shopping heavens no one could denied. Cheap price, cheap price, cheap price. Even FO @ factory outlets yang nampak gah sebab outlet adalah sebiji2 & serupa banglo; offer goods at a very reasonable price. Up to u whether to shop for barang2 murah, separa murah or separa mahal. 

What I love most about this place is their hospitality. Sangat welcoming & appreciate customers. Friendly. Secondly, the food! Memang gila perut kenyang gendang gendut tiap hari! Fuh!

Ok nanti gue continue sama aktivitas malam. Mahu istirehat dahulu. Daaaa!



Unknown said...

Hi, can you tell me more about the donkey ride up Tangkuban Perahu? Do you have to pre-book, is it with an agency or how do you find one?

Unknown said...

Hello there Winnie. I didn't book the ride from any agency. There will be many locals offering the ride once u get down from ur car. It's the transportation to get to Tangkuban I booked beforehand.